Puretec Ecotrol Whole House Dual Water Filter System

SKU: EM2-110

Sale price$1,019.56


The Puretec EM2 Series filtration systems are the appropriate choice for providing safe, clean, healthy water throughout the house or the office. Providing maximum filtration with minimal flow restriction these high flow systems, ensure that your home is free of sludge and sediment. Some models additionally reduce bad taste and odours.


  • Able to operate on gravity feed pressure.
  • Designed specifically for rain water.
  • Can also be used for main, rivers, dams, and bore water.
  • Max Flow Rate of 110 Litres/ Min.
  • Suitable for UV system pre-filtration.
  • 10 Year Warranty.

Puretec EM2-110 Specifications

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